an exceptional school

School Counsellor
The English School of Kyrenia has a full time qualified school counsellor with a vast amount of experience in a variety of counselling environments. The counsellor helps all students in school (from Pre-Nursery to Year 13) depending on their developmental needs, to promote academic and social/emotional development by providing education, prevention and intervention activities. Teachers may refer students, and older secondary students may refer themselves to the counsellor.
The counsellor works with students, their families, and teachers.
Direct student services include individual and group counselling; providing support to students and families in crisis and emergency situations.
Indirect student services include consultation and collaboration with parents, teachers, administrators, specialists out of school; referrals to school resources or external agencies for additional support, information or psychological testing.
We understand and value the mental health of our students, and promote health and wellness through a variety of activities.

School Nurse
The English School of Kyrenia employs a full time qualified nurse. The school nurse is on campus during school hours and speaks English, Turkish, and Russian. They are available to administer simple first aid and are the first point of contact for students who report they feel unwell, prior to them being sent home.
The school nurse is qualified to administer medication, however, this will only occur if it is doctor prescribed or life-preserving medication.
Note to ESK families: You may take your child’s medication to the Nurse’s office in the main building where you can describe their condition, the medication, doses, and any other important information.
It is important to note that 50 members of staff are first aid trained, in addition to the school nurse.