Prefects are a dedicated and diverse group of student leaders who help support and shape the ESK student community. They undertake various roles and responsibilities, representing the student voice and acting as ambassadors of the school.

Last academic year, Year 12 (currently our Year 13s) students submitted written applications to apply for the post of Prefect, and in the end, 10 Student leaders were chosen. Prefects are selected by our Secondary School Headmaster along with input from key members of the educational staff.
Roles and responsibilities include regularly meeting with the Headmaster, break time and lunchtime duties, organising school initiatives and representing the student body at open-day events.
Head Boy & Head Girl
Aydan Nevzat & Meray Ramiz
Senior Prefect Team
Alexa Tetik, Derin Erdem, Bogdan Egorov, Nehir Dinçer, Eliz Demirağ, Dimash NurAkhmet, Ela Demirağ and Çezara Şenova.
ESK's Senior Prefect team are seen as positive role models to their fellow students. We look forward to seeing them all in action.