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Watch out World... The Class of 2023 are Coming!

An education at ESK opens up a wide arena of opportunities for students, beginning with their new journey into higher education and beyond. ESK Students leave with confidence in themselves and in their potential, shaped into curious leaders and compassionate global citizens.

A Passport to a Global Future!

ESK’s graduating class will be attending leading universities around the world. This year, 49% are off to UK universities, 42% to Europe, with a majority studying in The Netherlands, and 9% in North America and Russia.

Top-ranking destinations include Imperial College London (ranked 10th worldwide*) and UCL (ranked 22nd), in the United Kingdom, McGill University (46th) in Canada and University of Amsterdam (60th) in The Netherlands.

Academic Scholarships

We are proud to share that four students have received this year’s EU Scholarship funded by the European Union, while many others have been offered Academic scholarships from various universities including:

  • Queen Mary, University of London

  • The New School Parsons, Paris

  • McGill University

  • University of Toronto

  • Leeds Conservatoire

  • Koç University

We wish our graduates the best of luck as they continue their international educational journey!

Visit our University & Academic Results page to find out the university destinations of ESK's previous graduating classes.


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