This year, ESK students and staff took part in Anti-bullying week (Monday 16 - Friday 20th November).
On Monday, staff and students came to school wearing odd socks! (see the gallery below for the fantastic effort from our exceptional students). This was a fun opportunity for personal expression and to celebrate what makes us all unique in our ESK Community.
We are one community, one family!
Throughout the week, students were active in their PSHE lessons learning about why we are all different and why we should celebrate this fact. Our Primary students even used their Art classes to create their own odd socks to be displaced across campus..
Our Primary Student Council Team set out on their fist mission, and put together an important message to share with our Community...
Our Principal, Mr. MacDonald commented: "Visitors to the school often tell me how they sense a real kindness between each child, and we have to stay vigilant to maintain this spirit. My own view is that it is innate in all people to want to be of help to others."
This is reflective of ESK's mission and values.

Bullying has a long lasting effect on those who experience and witness it, but together, through shared efforts and ambitions, we can reduce bullying! Thank you to everyone who participate this week in the fight against bullying!