an exceptional school

Our exceptional school has been founded on the concept that all young people deserve the opportunity to access the very best in education, irrespective of nationhood or place of birth. We have established an independent school utilising the very best approaches to education gleaned from great schools world-wide. Young people thrive in well-ordered communities of learning in which their individual flair can be recognised and refined with the guidance of world-class dedicated teachers.
Knowing each and every individual is important to us, and our homeroom tutors and teachers are systematic in helping each student to set smart targets, and reach them or surpass them each and every year. We are independent thinkers and have developed an ethos that nurtures creativity, originality, and academic excellence. Each graduating class instinctively seeks to out-perform the last, and we encourage young people to have big dreams concerning their futures. None of our work would be effective without our common understanding that we are all part of an ‘ESK Family of Families’ – respecting knowledge and experience, resistant to fads, and dependent upon deeply held values or virtues. We hold courtesy to be our coinage, and share a belief that our students deserve access to the very best institutions worldwide. We create their pathways with them with affection, and rely upon a nobility each of them can have by reason of their own approach to life, concern for others, reliance upon truth, self-knowledge, and commitment to anyone in need. Some remark that we are traditional, but we hold that some traditions have never been bettered and in a highly competitive world sought after as ingredients that lead to success in life and career. We want our students to attend the finest universities in the world, Cambridge, Oxford, the LSE, Imperial, University and King’s College London, and Harvard, Princeton and Yale. We have a record of huge successes due to our exceptional approach. Our website is a window upon what we do with great spirit.
We are welcoming, and enjoy meeting new families and new students because we want to share with as many as possible our thoughtful and committed dedication to develop tomorrow’s leaders, whole fine young women and young men, who are distinguished by reason of an exceptional education!
Do come and visit us, working on the very best seems to attract the very best, and you are always welcome.
Kind regards,
Mr Hector MacDonald